LensOfFaith Academy of Servant Leadership
Established in 2020, it is designed to teach organizations, non-profit's and businesses how to serve first and lead second. Servant Leadership is a timeless concept but one of the most important leadership concepts that may be foreign to many. The Servant Leadership term was first coined by Robert K Greenleaf, in his 1970 essay 'The Servant as a Leader'. In this essay, Greenleaf sets out a number of ideals, values, and philosophies that redefine the role of organizational leadership.
As Greenleaf himself states, Servant Leaders are leaders who put other people’s needs, aspirations, and interests above their own. At the Lensoffaith Academy you will not only learn about Servant Leadership as Robert K. Greenleaf outlined it, but you will also learn about servant leadership from a biblical perspective and foundation. Utilizing the Bible as a guide throughout this Academy, will keep you grounded spiritually and focused on serving from your heart as God intended us to do.
Servant Leadership is for those that are willing to change their mindset for the greater good, by providing selfless service. Servant Leadership continues to impact organizations, churches and corporations all around the globe and the results of servant leadership cannot be denied. Lensoffaith Academy will offer a spiritual experience while combining the servant's heart with the leader's capabilities.

LensOfFaith Coaching & Consulting
I assist Christian Servant Leaders in DISCOVERING Their PURPOSE, EXERCISING their POWER and learning to WALK by FAITH to live an abundant life. Utilizing the power of a three step process of fasting, meditation and prayer to unlock your full potential and catapulting you to your destiny. Prophetess Chaundra Nicole Gore is a faith based motivational coach that teaches from a FAITH based perspective. What may look ridiculous to others is simply a faith walk to your purpose driven life.

LensOfFaith Speaks

Prophetess Chaundra Nicole Gore's story is that of an amazing story of resilience and persistence to victory, that has allowed her to coin the phrase " I AM A LensOfFaith". She is a global speaker, impacting the world with her message of FAITH and RESILIENCE. This Woman of God speaks with boldness and confidence as she commands the attention of the crowd whenever she speaks.